Brief Thoughts On Yesterday’s Borderlands News

I really like remasters and Rebekah pretty much sums it up for me.

Rebekah Lang

Yesterday brought the most Borderlands news we’ve heard in a while. I skipped the livestream (which I heard was a bit of a disaster) from Gearbox at PAX East, and picked up the highlights elsewhere.

The biggest news to ME was the announcement of the first Borderlands remaster…and that it’s dropping next week!!! THAT was the news I’d been waiting so long for. I already can’t wait. There will be quality of life improvements in addition to a visual upscale, but really all I want is to take screenshots of it on my PS4. The first Borderlands is my favorite Borderlands, hands down.

The ironic part of all this is that I JUST subbed to PS Now so I could play the first Borderlands on my PS4. Oh, me.

Now, then.

We all knew Borderlands 3 was in development. Randy Pitchford had talked about it off and on. It was…

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About J.T Dabbagian
J.T Dabbagian has a master's degree in Communication Studies, and is a freelance writer, social media & community manager and public speaking consultant.

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